

The Energy Development 13th Five-Year Plan, published by the Chinese government on January 17, 2017, sets out the first ever mandatory target capping China’s coal consumption. Implementing this target will require a concerted effort across all sectors of industry and across local governments and civil society. This government mandate has inspired the China Coal Cap Project to redouble its efforts to accelerate China’s energy transition from coal to clean energy.

As China’s economy has rebounded this year, coal consumption has risen 5% year-on-year in the first six months of 2017, with a lack of improvement of PM2.5 pollution for the first time since 2014. The year-on-year air quality index in the Jing-Jin-Ji region has worsened in the first eight months of 2017: PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations have both risen around 10% compared to last year. Increases in coal consumption in the power and the industrial sectors have presented a serious challenge to the efforts to cap coal consumption in China. The “Breaking Through to Blue Skies” Workshop is a core piece of the China Coal Consumption Cap Project’s work in 2017. Despite the challenges of 2017, the Project remains resolute in its forward march to progress. In its fourth year, the Project has continued to push forward the implementation of coal cap measures across key industrial sectors and at the local level, while researching and proposing recommendations on the management of dispersed coal use. The Project has also been developing analysis of coal cap scenarios under a 1.5 degree Celsius limit, as well as recommendations around the establishment of China’s carbon market and green development under the Belt and Road Initiative. In the final year of the Action Plan for Air Pollution Prevention and Control, the Coal Cap Project is pushing forward its six areas of work to “Break Through to Blue Skies.”

With new challenges and opportunities domestically and abroad, the 2017 China Coal Consumption Cap and Energy Transition International Workshop, “Breaking Through to Blue Skies,” will share the experiences and lessons learned from China’s coal cap work. With redoubled efforts and hardened resolve, coal cap efforts will push through, opening a new chapter in China’s energy transition and pollution control.


9:00 – 17:50, November 30, 2017, Beijing

Moderator: Zhongkui Song, Secretary General, China Energy Conservation Association



Opening Remarks


Yuan Tang, Department Chief, Policy Research Office of the State Council

Yi Jiang, President, China Energy Conservation Association

Hongpeng Lei, Director, Climate Change, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation

Keynote Speeches


Implications of the 19th National Congress of the CPC

Shijin Liu, Vice-Chairman, China Development Research Foundation


Winning the Battle for Blue Skies: Five Years of Implementing the Air Pollution Action Plan

Kebin He, Dean, School of Environment, Tsinghua University Academician, China Academy of Engineering


The UK's Coal Power Phase-out Plan and Policies

Jessica Henry, Head, Energy Team, British Embassy Beijing

Q&A (10 minutes)


Tea & Coffee Break


Addressing Challenges and Maintaining Progress in Capping Coal

Fuqiang Yang, Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member


Release of “2017 Report on Integrated Dispersed Coal Management”

Xueyu Li, Analyst, China Coal Cap Project, NRDC

Q&A (5 minutes)

Panel Discussion: Achieving the Coal Cap 2020 Goals: Challenges and Opportunities

Moderator: Yi Wang, Vice President and Professor, CAS Institutes of Science and Development



Yousheng Zhang, Deputy Director, Energy Research Institute

Xiangwan Du, Academician and Former Vice president, the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Jinnan Wang, President, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, MEP

Jun Ma, Director, Green Finance Committee of China Society of Finance and Banking

Jake Schmidt, Director, International Program, Natural Resources Defense Council

Q&A (10 minutes)



Moderator: Rongchun Bai, Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member

Keynote Speeches


Pushing Forward Supply-Side Reforms to Achieve Industry Coal Cap Goals

Zhiyu Tian, Deputy Director, Energy Efficiency Center, Energy Research Institute, NDRC


Recommendations on Supply-Side Reforms in the Coal Power Sector in the 13th

Jiahai Yuan, Professor, School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University


Policy Recommendations on Market-Oriented Reforms and Reducing Excess Capacity in the Cement Industry

Yongbin Fan, Director, Policy Research Institute, China Cement Association


Recommendation for Coal-Intensive Industries Included in China’s National Carbon Trading Market

Shengmin Yu, Deputy Director, Carbon Market Department, National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation

Panel Discussion: Lessons from Supply-Side Structural Reforms in Coal-Intensive Industries and Recommendations for Next Steps
Reducing Excess Capacity · De-leveraging in SOEs · Phasing out Zombie Companies · Reducing Costs · Upgrading Facilities

Moderator: Yousheng Zhang, Deputy Director, Energy Research Institute, NDRC



Dao Huang, Director, Development, Technology & Environment Department, China Iron and Steel Industry Association

Lixin Wu, Vice President, Strategic Planning Institute, Coal Science Research Institute

Shaoqiang Zhang, Chairman, China Coal Processing and Utilization Association

, China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd

Q&A (10 minutes)


Tea & Coffee Break

Research on Carbon Emissions under 1.5°C Scenario


The Feasibility, Emissions Reduction Pathways, and Impacts on Environment, Economy, and Energy for China to Achieve 1.5°C Scenario

Kejun Jiang, Researcher, Energy Research Institute, NDRC


Adaptation Measures in China under the 1.5°C Scenario

Erda Lin, Professor, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences


Analysis of Loss and Damage With High Temperature Rise and the Social Cost of Carbon

Fei Teng, Assistant Professor, Institute of Energy, Environment, and Economics, Tsinghua University

Panel Discussion: 1.5 °C Scenario: Impacts, Adaptation, and Emissions Reduction Pathways in Key Sectors
Adaptation Strategy · Employment Impacts · Zero Emissions Buildings Feasibility · Emissions Reduction Pathways

Moderator: Jiahua Pan, Director, Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences



Xinyan Yang, Researcher, Institute of Building Environment and Energy, China Academy of Building Research

Ying Zhang, Researcher, Institute for Urban Development and Environment Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Ting Li, Principal, China Program, Rocky Mountain Institute

Rafael Senga, Senior Advisor, Global Energy Policy, World Wildlife Fund-Philippines

Q&A (10 minutes)


Closing Remarks

Moderator: Jingjing Qian, Director, China Program, Natural Resources Defense Council

Keynote Speeches: Provincial Coal Cap Plans Research, Implementation and Co-Benefits


Henan’s Coal Cap Targets under Redline Restrictions and Implementation Measures

Fajun Qian, Director, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Henan Academy of Sciences


Using Coal Cap Measures to Push Forward Upgrading and Transition of Shanxi’s Coal Industry

Jin Yuan, Director, Research Institute of Shanxi Ecological Environment


Results and Challenges of the Implementation of Shandong’s Coal Cap Plans in 2017

Yong Zhou, Deputy Director, Institute of Science and Technology Development Strategy, Shandong Academy of Sciences


The Health and Economic Benefits from the Scenarios Based on China Coal Cap Project in Beijing

Xiaochuan Pan, Professor, School of Public Health, Peking University

Panel Discussion : Provincial Coal Production and Consumption Caps and Energy Development Strategies
Coal Industry and Energy Transition · Joint Prevention and Control of Air Pollution · Control of Coal Production and Consumption

Moderator: Wenke Han, Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member



Haidong Zhao, Vice Dean, School of Economics and Management, Inner Mongolia University

Juan Wang, Research Associate, Energy Research Institute, NDRC

Lu Fu, China Director, Clean Air Asia

Todd Johnson, Lead Energy Specialist, Energy Sector Coordinator for China and Mongolia, The World Bank

Q&A (10 minutes)


Tea & Coffee Break

Keynote Speeches: City Coal Cap and Dispersed Coal Governance Plan Research and Implementation


Coal Consumption Cap Plan Implementation in Wuhan

Dingxian Xiang, Deputy Director, Wuhan Energy Conservation Supervision Center


Coal Consumption Cap Plan Implementation in Xi’an

Honghao Xie, Director, Xi’an Energy Conservation Association


Coal Consumption Cap Plan Implementation in Nanjing

Wuzhong Ma, Director, Jiangsu Energy Conservation Center

Panel Discussion : Air Pollution Management Plans: Key Cities in Jing-jin-ji
Key Cities · Best Practices in Air Pollution Management

Moderator: Fengqi Zhou, Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member



Xiang Yu, Research Associate, Institute for Urban and Environment Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Zongjie Wu, Director, Zibo Development Research Institute

Junling Wang, Vice Director, Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Environment Protection

Zhenfeng Wang, Director, Jining Institute of Engineering and Consulting

TBD, Jinan Energy Conservation Office

Q&A (10 minutes)


Closing Remarks

Jingjing Qian, Director, China Program, Natural Resources Defense Council

Host Organizations

China Energy Conservation Association

China Energy Conservation Association (CECA) was founded in 1989, and was registered and approved by State Civil Ministry. CECA is a self-constrained, non-profit social entity. CECA devotes itself to efficient utilization of energy, environment protection and advancing economic profit, and helps to enhance the energy efficiency technology and energy efficiency products of China to a global advanced level. CECA obeys the leadership of National Development and Reform Commission, Science and Technology Ministry and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC. CECA has many enterprise members.

Goals: The goals of CECA include promoting rational and efficient use of energy resources and improving the environment through research and implementation of energy-saving policies, developing and promoting energy-saving technologies and products, and collecting and disseminatingof energy-saving information.

Government service: CECA researches and publicizes state laws and regulations, disseminates energy-saving information, research national policies, etc.

Enterprise service: CECA establishes an information exchange platform for usage by enterprises.

Social service: CECA spreads energy-saving knowledge and improves energy-saving awareness for the whole society.

Website: www.cecaweb.org.cn

China Coal Cap Project

The China Coal Consumption Cap Plan and Policy Research Project (“Coal Cap Project”) was launched in October 2013 in close collaboration with over 20 renowned Chinese think tanks, research institutions, and industry associations. The project researches China’s coal consumption cap strategy and policy, implementation roadmap and action plan, and provides policy recommendations and actionable measures to government officials. The ultimate goal is to help China conserve resources, protect its environment, and achieve its climate change and sustainable development goals.

In 2014, the China Coal Cap Project completed the report on "The Long-Term Development Scenario and Outlook for China's Coal Consumption Cap (2015-2050)." In 2015, the Project published "China's 13th Five Year Coal Cap Action Plan Research Report." In 2016, the China Coal Cap Project will summarize and promote regional and sectoral best practices and experiences, advancing the implementation of coal strategies and policies.

The Project is funded by UK's Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, and is coordinated by the Natural Resources Defense Council and World Wide Fund for Nature.

Website: www.nrdc.cn/coalcap

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Previous Events

2016 China Coal Consumption Cap and Energy Transition International Workshop

— —Promoting Supply-Side Reform and Pushing Forward Regional Coal Control Implementation

2015 International Workshop on China Coal Cap Strategy

Looking Ahead to the 13th Five-year Plan

2014 Coal Consumption Cap and Energy Transition International Workshop